That post last week about Cap's new Facebook Connect-powered tour experience got us talking again about the promise and possibility of integrating brand content with live social input.
Of course, we looked at all the usual examples (including the still-creepy-over-a-year-later Prototype Experience), but there's one that stands out as an easy, powerful integration more brands should be making:
Levi's Friends StoreIt's a friendly, personal little shopping experience that asks you to log in with Facebook Connect to see both what other Facebook users like and what your actual friends say about their favorite denim. All the brand's coupons and offers from their own Facebook page appear in the right rail.
I'd love to see this built into Facebook itself, but the experience on this outpost is nearly as good. You do have a sense of what people like you are choosing - with a much more personal face on it than the algorithms Amazon uses ... the ones that somehow decided I should really buy The Rambler and a 38-piece casserole set (pass, thank you).
That said, looking at my personal friends store, I'd guess this isn't highly adopted technology yet ... all my recommendations seem to come from other ad bloggers (@griner is the next review down). Still, this feels like a step in the right direction.