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    « Good bye stars, hello mood meter | Main | Advergirl on WYDiQ »

    March 21, 2010



    Sigh. Talk about a post finding me at the right time...I'm at the point where my "right place" has suddenly become not-so-right and I'm trying to kick my booty into gear...

    Thanks for the motivation.

    Advergirl (Leigh)

    Thank you all for your comments! Evan - if you want to talk more about your search, definitely feel free to contact me. lhouseholder/gmail

    Evan Terry

    Stumbled upon this post via @nateriggs and glad I did. I've bounced around a little over the past couple years, and interestingly enough recently interviewed with gsw. I met some great folks there and it seemed like a very creative, entrepreneurial-inspired culture. Happy to hear you're enjoying it, and will take heed some of your thoughts. Thanks for the post :)

    @evansjourney (http://www.evansjourney.com)


    Really insightful post. I've been pondering jumping from corp. back to agency, and I agree with you -- the choice is very subjective, and really depends on the company. The rest, well it's luck and a healthy gut:) I have found agency work can be extremely rewarding and inspiring depending on the group of people you find yourself working with. And corporate can easily feel like a death sentence if the environment is one where people spend their day seeking safe alignment and hiding from any substantive challenges. Sounds like you have made a great choice for you and your professional goals and I wish you continued success.

    Kimberly Ratcliff

    So true, Leigh. Well put here. Glad you are at the right in-the-moment place for you. I feel the same way. Though not everyone will "get it"...the right decision is very much of the moment. It's all a matter of perspective.


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