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    « Will social win out over search? | Main | People choose to hate their jobs less over a free day at Disney »

    February 12, 2010



    Early on in my career, I had the great opportunity of working on several agriculture clients - pesticides, herbicides, tractors. We took the approach that farmers (small business owners and sometimes not-so-small business owners) were driven by - surprise - emotional triggers, just like actual, real people. Pride. Competition. Self-awareness. Beauty. Tradition. Each category offered many points of entry to talk to them as a business prospect and a human being. In b2b, you always have to find that balance between the rational, measurable reason to consider or buy and creating a true connection with your brand. In the end, any creative who denies they are a salesperson first, got in the wrong business.


    i have written a couple of things along these lines (b2b marketing is overrated .. process is different but they are people) but everything i believe got summarized the best by my friend Luke Sullivan who answered the infamous question in a pitch "so, how much b2b experience do you have?" with his calm response "lots. we do it all the time. we market to people. and i believe they are people too."

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