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    January 04, 2009


    Kate Richardson

    My friend works for World Nomads who do travel insurance and other stuff. They also raise funds for projects in countries like Nepal and India (the subject of their Footprint documentary series).

    If you book insurance, they allow you to donate $1 to a project by just ticking one box. Simplicity is a beautiful (and helpful thing).

    And while I don't think we should expect everything to be easy in this realm (giving sometimes involves sacrifice) the simpler the process, the higher the chance of people parting with their money.


    Jen, here's something I came across:

    "Email payment account methods, such as PayPal, will jump from 5% of all online transaction volume to 11% by 2012"

    Also says 150 million US accounts last year - presumably significantly higher now.


    Jen Neumann

    I would love some info on how many folks use paypal. The Junior League here in Cedar Rapids went to PayPal for online stuff a few years ago and it seemed like a steep learning curve for many - but once they were past it, it was easy.

    I like the idea of equating low level giving to impulse buying. Very clever - and true.

    Jim Coe

    Yep...Richard McPherson commented on this very obstacle when he spoke in Columbus a few months ago at our Assoc. of Fundraising Prof. lunch...make it easy to donate BEFORE you ask for their deep-info.

    In TRIBES, Seth Godin urges us to get the volunteers involved more...more working...more networking & expanding their volunteer base...turning all the volunteers into stakeholders who donate $ because they WANT TO!

    Thank for this post.

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