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    December 30, 2008


    William Brinson

    I think that blogs have influenced the way people are designing their sites. There seems to be a trend of long scrolling sites with navigation on the side, blog esk. I don't think there is going to be the death of the blog, but more of an evolution. Here is an example of a branding firm Clark Huot, who uses this evolved style. http://www.clarkhuot.com
    I think it will catch on quickly.

    John Lane

    Completely random and based on the smallest thing in your post... I love the Kreskin reference.

    The Amazing Kreskin (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kreskin) used to come to my hometown (Kingsport, TN) every year for an event called Fun Fest. His show was sponsored by the company my dad worked for (Mead) so he always got to MC the show. Being MC meant he also drove Kreskin around town and he would occasionally eat dinner at our house. We would get the up-close-and-personal version of his prediction, mind-reading and magic antics.

    Thanks for sparking those great memories.

    Oh yeah... I like the rest of the post, too. Blogs (and Twitter and Facebook) allow marketing strategists to experiment on a personal level, which translates into new possibilities for clients.


    Twitter: @jvlane257

    Jake Thomas

    Does anyone else think that blogs still have a ways to go to reach their maximum potential? Blogs have the power to lead real change in our society - namely by keeping people more informed and inspiring them to act! Thanks Leigh.

    Myron Tay

    Blogs are becoming more and more like traditional websites with emphasis centering around the "news section" instead of "about us"


    Blogs are love by people and by advertisers because blogs offers fresh and innovative rich contents. Blogs will continue to rise in the future years.


    You're right on. Love your blog and look forward to your ideas. Blogging, whether your audience is 4 or 4000, certainly helps the blogger too...improve writing skills, learn to be more articulate as well as stimulate new thoughts and perspectives. I have a long way to go, and reading you helps me immensely. Happy New Year from


    I believe you are correct. Blogs are here to stay and will only grow as the prefered method of spreading opinions, news, and ideas.

    As regards twitter taking over, I doubt it. Micro blogs offer nothing new. They're still blogs regardless of how small they may be. Twitter will dry up as soon as the hype being bought via VC dreamers dry up.

    Sampad Swain

    Great post Leigh. In the times, when people are saying Blogs are dead, I think we should re-think again.

    By the way, have a great 2009!


    Matt Dickman

    Great post Leigh. I think blogs are far from dying (I think they're still in their infancy actually) and the points you list are among the top reasons why. In the end, it's about delivering value to your audience and most bloggers are still figuring out their balance with other services. Thanks for keeping this positive, I definitely share your passion!

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