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    « PRSA International Conference: Social media panel | Main | Social manifesto: What is social media? »

    November 03, 2008


    Jeff Bennett

    I think your approach to articulating the opportunity of social media for brands and community/publishers. Very clear and concise. Very powerful. Thanks for publishing this. We are using it as a guide post in our work.


    Your series is soooooo excellent. Those of us who "get it" need compelling, yet simply- stated reasoning to convince clients. You've done so impeccably - visualizations included.

    Thank you much
    triiibe on!

    Jim Coe

    I look forward to reading your thoughts, Leigh.
    I work in the not-for-profit world in Columbus. I know Social Media will increasingly serve as a more vital aspect of fundraising.

    My concern is, after months of political e-mails filling my in-box, e-mail has now served junkmail-marketers just as snail mail has.
    I don't want my donors "punch-drunk" from too many unsolicited messages.
    I'm an adherant of Seth Godin's "Permission Marketing" and his advice to "tell a compelling story" and I seek to use Social Media as my medium.
    I appreciate your expertise. -Jim Coe

    Cory O'Brien

    I'd love to hear your thoughts on where you see the social media industry going in the future, and specifically how it relates to marketing and advertising trends that we're seeing now. Do you see companies doing more of the same now that it's been proven successful, or do you see companies continuing to strive for the latest and greatest in an effort to catch the front of the wave? Maybe both?

    Either way, I'm looking forward to reading the rest of your manifesto...

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