Just wanted to say thank you to everyone who joined Jamie, Adam and me our social media panel on Monday. I'll be writing more about the ideas we shared and answering some of the Qs that we didn't get to in the coming days, but for right now, here are a few items I promised to post:
Materials from the session: If you want to access any of the frameworks we referenced, those are on ologie.com/prsa. A podcast will be available soon.
Valuing the opinion of "someone like me": Edelman's latest Trust Barometer report - including the content about the importance of peer recommendations - can be downloaded here.
How a city can use social media: The Asheville case study is a great one. You can see all those details here. And, the recent brouhaha our local CVB found itself in will be of interest, too.
Using networks to find ideas: The oil spill example I shared was powered by a company called Innocentive. The big idea behind the platform is that resources in any given company are finite. Not every problem can be solved at HQ. So, we'll need to change our perceived career role / value from problem solver to solution finder - wherever that solution might lie. Here's the Exxon story:
20 years after the Exxon Valdez oil spill, there was still a lot of oil on the ocean floor. The problem was that Exxon couldn’t figure out how to separate frozen oil from water. So, they worked with Innocentive to put out an open call for a solution. Anyone who considered themselves a problem solver could respond to the challenge on this social platform.
An Illinois chemist from the concrete industry saw the problem and quickly scribbled an idea on the back of a napkin. He sent that scan in with a half-page write up about a certain kind of oscillator working at a certain speed and solved the problem Exxon had been wrestling with for 20 years.
More later this week. If there's specific content you want to see me write about, leave me a note in the comments.