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    « Doggears: Facebook activism, blogger snobbers, scary stats and more... | Main | Practical advice on social media and your marketing mix »

    September 11, 2008


    Fundraising Strategies

    wow. tons of helpful info. thanks!


    this is such a helpful post! thanks for taking the time to write it. i think it's crucial for nonprofits to think not only about how they can promote their causes, but what they can learn by "listening" to conversations going on about them. i'll be taking away lots of tips here.


    Don't count out the grey hair, I've had mine since my teens -- wise then, wise now. I loved this post b/c it substantiates old school wisdom and strategy with new school tactics. We actually need both. You're a social media "one to watch."

    Kimmie Smith

    Leigh I loved reading this I connect to PRBlog on Twitter and I like the idea of engaging the reader to the idea first and then creating that relationship before going to funding. I just linked to you on Twitter (Cocoabebe) I am also from the Midwest (Indiana) but I now live in NY - I love your blog it's a great resource.

    Steve MacLaughlin

    Great post! Social media expands the traditional fundraising pyramid to a broader set of people.

    And yes...I know where North Sewickley is. ;-)


    Stephen Joos

    Great Post!

    I really connected with the "Engage first, ask for money later." That hit the nail on the head for the problem we are having with our Facebook application.

    On the mobile donation caps, those are regulated by the mobile carriers and it looks like those wont be changing anytime soon.

    Andrea Hill

    Thanks, Leigh! There's some really interesting information here.

    I was particularly interested to read about the anonymous donor bit. I had (evidently erroneously) thought that online fundraising could get a boost from the fact that people would receive some level of public recognition for their gifts (Look at any team in training fundraising page - http://pages.teamintraining.org/sf/tucson08/gtimmons). It's very interesting that that can actually be a deterrent for some!

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