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    « 10 New(ish) Things I'm Not Ready For | Main | Call for an Agency School »

    July 24, 2008


    Holly Hoffman

    People really still think this dribble? You must be hiring the wrong kids, because I haven't seen those types around my workplace. I hear all the Gen Xers and Boomers doing the complaining... about Gen Y. Irony...

    I myself was raised fairly poor and put myself through college, and landed my first job without the intervention of any video-toting, applauding parents. (Though it might have been nice to have that advantage in life. Mine were working.)

    Besides, we didn't invent the reward system. Gen Y wasn't out there demanding the trophies for just showing up... who was it that was doing that? Oh, yeah. The Boomer & Gen X parents.

    At any rate, you might want to check out some articles on Gen Y myths & misconceptions (just Google "Gen Y Myths"). I don't think you'll see a generation more committed to proving their worth through hard work, dedication, persistance, and innovation.

    Alan Wolk

    Excellent observation Leigh.

    School also rewards the "Supportive Parents Trap" kids. More than even their parents. Teachers have generally fawned over these kids, held their papers and tests up as shining examples of right thinking from kindergarten through grad school.

    But advertising, as you note, is oftentimes not the sort of profession that rewards this sort of thing. It's a profession that tends to reward those who can take a hit and keep coming back for more. Something SPT kids have never had to do.

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