When I started blogging - five years ago (!) - the community of readers and writers was much smaller. Once you found a circle of like minds, you tended to read one another, comment on each other's blogs and generally create a preaching-to-the-choir-despite-the-occasional-streaker type environment.
Since then, I've noticed the big shifts happen. When conversation became more global. When content became more valued than commentary. And, now - thanks to the growing group of influential 20-somethings - a shift from the pleasure of anonymity to an emphasis on personal interaction.
If you want to get grand, I'd call it multi-dimensional communications. If you want to stay plain-spoken, maybe knowing your readers. Or, to be blunt - using good manners.
Increasingly, bloggers are expected to interact with readers 1:1. Know them on Twitter. Respond to their comments with personal emails. Generally be the most active participant in the circle they started.
It's a new take on community. One perfectly captured last week in David Cushman's 12 very contemporary rules for blogging. And, one that - despite my own horrible email habits - I really admire.
More great articles and posts I tagged last week:
- For everyone who has ever stuttered their way through an exhausting, ultimately unproductive, or even downright embarrassing brainstorming meeting, here are a few great tips from the blogger crew over at B&A on How to Build a Better Brainstorm
- Tired of the same old new media tactics? Check out the insightful barbs on Armano's Marketing Wheel of Misfortune
For every blogger who has been doing this long enough to be wicked sick of it: Steve Woodruff examines the Evolution of a Blogger - Is it just me or has Ad Age been delivering really compelling content lately? Two recent faves: The Agency-Selection Process is Broken by Avi Dan and a great piece on re-integrating media and creative by Linda Sawyer called We're Back to Where We Started...
- Here's hoping that Adverboyfriend's predictions that strategists will be the first on the unemployment line this economic downturn are proved wrong. After all, we're the happiest people around the water cooler according to this mini study by IPA featured on AdLiterate
- Happiest outdoor I've seen lately: Carrot pots by Owen Jones & Partners in Portland
Blogging has evolved from individual writers to company bloggers as well. "Multi-dimensional communications" is a key factor in expanding your business through blogging.
Posted by: EH | July 28, 2008 at 05:01 PM