Just a few great finds of late to share ... some are sites, some are articles, but all good enough to be worth spreading.
- Every week new inspired talks by the world's greatest thinkers and doers are posted at TED. Visit often.
- Great Tree People site for New Zealanders by Genesis Energy. Love how it shows - not tells - community. Check out the Adverblog post for more details.
- New (to me) tools: Track changes on any Web site (RSS enabled or not) and get better free insight into competitive site traffic (or your own if your boss is super cheap)
- Highly passed around already, but worth a watch if you missed: Social Media in Plain English by Common Craft
- Marketing Charts: Journalists’ Views on Social-Media’s Influence on Reporting Differ by Beat
- Business Week: Beyond Blogs
- New York Times: Exposed, Blog Post Confidential
- Found on Adaptive Path ...Harvard Publishing: Why Zappos Pays New Employees to Quit—And You Should Too
- Bokardo: Designing for the Social Web: The Usage Lifecycle
- Marketing Profs: Sean Howard on The Why and How of Engaging Bloggers at Your Event
There was I thinking I was the only person who checked out TED on a regular basis.
Posted by: Stan Lee | June 03, 2008 at 06:48 AM