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    « Advertising Resume Makeovers: Part 3 | Main | How to build a professional network »

    April 30, 2008



    The other revisions were very pleasant to the eye, very open and the hierarchy was great. This on the other hand has some elements that make it distracting to the content. The use of the brackets, which in essence are to bring focus to something. In this application they are doing quite the opposite. Since the headings make your eyes view the bracket, the next line of the heading is lost because it extends past the first line past the bracket. The other thing really hurting the flow of this is the leading. The contact information is practically resting on top of the sub-sequent lines, along with the headings. Any employer with a well educated sense of typography would keep this resume just to amuse herself while blacking out the contact information with sharpie. Enough ranting. The other two were spectacular. Im just an old cranky designer who just doesnt know how to construct his criticism.

    Brandon Zeman

    These resume makeovers are wonderful! They are great for recent graduates like myself who are still learning all we can.

    p.s. I tried befriending you on Facebook.

    Shana Ray

    I just wanted to say thank you for your few latest posts.

    They are a great reminder to anyone (entry level, mid-level and even senior management) to take a look at their own resumes. I have already updated mine based on a few of your comments!

    Keep the great posts coming!

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