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    « Advice for Newbies: The Week | Main | Advertising Resume Makeovers: Part 2 »

    April 27, 2008


    Teena Rose

    Although I'm a huge fan of "hefty" resumes, I understand your thoughts behind keeping the resume light. It's easier to keep a resume to one or two pages for someone with only a small handful of jobs or with limited work history (new graduate, for example). For executives with 10/20-year work histories it's much more difficult.

    I have a couple of fresh ideas to help your readers accomplish what you suggest. I hope you don't mind. =-]

    First, focus on the backend of your work history if you're trying to find areas to "nip and tuck" content. Usually those older jobs are more entry level with more support skills, which are typically over-shadowed by your more recent, relevant skills.

    Second, use word-cloud services such as Wordle to determine the keyword effectiveness of your resume. I love these services and it provides a unique perspective to the content within a resume.

    Thanks for the post!


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