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    March 19, 2008



    You type good.

    Patricia Martin

    Glad you enjoyed reading RenGen. When I did the research for the book, it seemed as if it would take five or six years for the renaissance generation to gather steam. Now, the political campaigns have accelerated that timetable. It appears that younger RenGen are raising their voices sooner and louder to bring about a new era. It's fascinating to watch it unfold so swiftly.
    Thanks for your commentary.


    Glad you liked the Pot Noodle viral. We'll make sure you get other stuff we work on where relevant in future.


    Andy Beal

    I'm glad you liked our media room. In Radically Transparent, we stress the importance of a good press room--so we have to practice what we preach. :-)

    @Pat - I don't think it matters much with a media room. If the link opens up an image, you might consider having that open in a new window, but it's not a big deal.

    pat smith

    Andy Beal: that is a handy newsroom. Next time I need to help a client set up a newsroom this will be a model. Helps they have a lot to share. Only 1 question, what's the general opinion on whether to open a new page/tab for links? Personally, I like links to open in a new tab.

    Pot Noodle: not that impressed, and not just because Honda's Cog ad. Maybe Rube Goldberg doesn't turn me on.

    Resource Interactive: Boooo. I can't even remember all the lame attempts at sounding cool/current in that. Do you believe Oprah is changing the world? Maybe she is, but for the better? Green is the new black? Way to take a bold stand there. Offline has had it's day, but it's a good idea to write a book every few years. Their associates should be shareholders in their client companies. Hold up, that's a new paradigm (say it paradig-m). Damn, I remembered more than I expected.

    Twitter: I can see how it might be handy as an extension of an event. In general I get the feeling it's a giant waste of time. But then again, so are most blogs (present company excepted).

    RenGen: have not read so not qualified in the least to say anything.

    Sorry about all that, I really am. The Interactive for AEs thing was really cool.

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