I'm sure you've been in this meeting.
The one where one of the smartest guys you've ever met talks about his big idea. And, 15 minutes in, you still don't get it.
The one where the guy next to him talks about his contacts and untapped demand and where to take this mystery product to market. And, then they both turn to the agency and say - so, how can you help us?
From there, you enter into the even-more-treacherous territory of explaining the role of an agency, why branding is important, why they need your perspective. All while looking into quizzical eyes, clearly asking: aren't I already doing that?
To save you from the fuzzy land of role confusion, I give you this simple quiz that will uncover your role in launching the new biz...once you figure out what they're selling, that is:
1. When you meet someone for the first time, you wonder:
A. What makes them tick
B. What they worry about
C. What they dream about
2. You like to explain your product by how:
A. It stands out / is different from other products
B. Is similar to products you know and trust
C. Is a possibility you've never even considered
3. When thinking about your product or service, you consider:
A. Its value to others
B. Its revenue potential
C. How it might change the game
4. When first telling someone about your product, you use the word 'and':
A. Not at all
B. 3 - 5 times
C. 10+ times
5. You are most likely to write:
A. Key messages
B. PowerPoint decks
C. Patent applications
6. You are most likely to take notes on:
A. A white board
B. A blackberry
C. A bar napkin
7. You never head to a meeting without:
A. A sharpie
B. A laser pointer
C. A jump drive
8. In a meeting, you are most likely to draw:
A. Comparisons
B. Emphasis circles
C. Diagrams
9. You most value:
A. Insights
B. Relationships
C. Ideas
10. An elevator ride is for:
A. Measuring the length of time you have to communicate your message
B. Checking your phone messages
C. Syncing your multimedia device
Mostly As: Greetings, Brand Marketer. Welcome to a tireless career cycle of defining and refining. Of owning Red. Of hugging stakeholders and kicking sacred cows. Make it relevant and credible and ownable. And, obsess about the details. It's your gig.
Mostly Bs: High five, Sales Guru. It's time to activate your contact list. To reunite with fraternity brothers and talk old times and business. You know the features and benefits. You know the ROI. Give us the runway we need to get out of BETA and into the big time.
Mostly Cs: Type on, Inventor - Entrepreneur. Power up your Linux server, snag a little shareware and take on that silly beast called Google. You dazzled us with your passion and your ingenuity. Your charisma landed years of sweat labor from those equally driven. Time to lay 0s to 1s before someone else gets there first.
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