This Lynx deodorant spray spot is as mildly disturbing as all "sex sells," "woman are things" advertising (which - as an American - I am (more) disturbingly desensitized to), but I'm posting it because context truly is everything:
I'm not at all familiar with this product. So, when a friend sent me the link, I thought he said it was a Linux spot. And, I have to say, I was at the edge of my seat to see what bizarro "geeks are hot" ending was afoot.
Alas, more derivative, offensive body spray nonsense. Boo.
Found at: Dave's Adventure into Boredom
Another fantastic ad makes all USA work in this catagory pail in comparison. I really think you should consider school or maybe being a flight attendant. Yes, yes, that makes sense actually.
Posted by: Superfamous | June 22, 2006 at 07:22 PM
I believe its sold abroad as Axe.
Its not actually a good ad, nothing compared to the funny Ben Affleck clicker spot of a few months back.
Whats more interesting to me is the revival of the extra long tv ad, sparked by W+K.
Posted by: Rob Mortimer | June 22, 2006 at 01:05 PM